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MenuStay V1.0
is FreeWare
1993 by Alexandros Loghis
What is MenuStay ?
With this small tool it's now possible to go around the menus without
holding the right mouse button. Just press AND release the right mouse
button over the wished menubar.
If you are in this menu-stay-mode you can add a command to items that don't
have one, by pressing the left mouse button. It seems that nothing happens,
but if you get out of the menu and enter it again you can see the installed
command. Now you can reach the menu item with the right amiga key and the
installed command key.
You can also activate a screen blanker by pressing and releasing the cursor
up and down keys simultaneous.
How to start
From CLI : Type MenuStay and press return.
There's no need to 'RUN' or 'RUNBACK'.
From Workbench: Double click on the MenuStay icon.
Once installed, this tool only uses 568 bytes of memory.
How to remove
Start it again as explained above.
- The screen blanker does not work.
Terminate the other (bad programed) screen blanker that you run
MenuStay should work with other (good programed) screen blankers that are
blanking after a time limit (e.g. DMouse).
- The installed command(s) does not work.
This can be true, it depends on the program that you are patching.
- You can't reach the intalled command with your keyboard.
This depends on your keymap that you have set with the setmap program.
It's not my fault.
- MenuStay installs no commands.
Well, it seems that they are no commands left to install.
Thanks to
- Erdmann Toball
for the key screen blanker idea.
- Preben Nielsen
for the RMBShift V1.0 assembly source.
- Joe Siebenmann
for the EZAsm V1.6.
- Charlie Gibbs
for the A68k V2.71 assembler.
MenuStay was used in every session since it was written (Apr 1993), on an
Amiga 500 with KickStart V1.2, WorkBench V1.2 and on an
Amiga 2000 with KickStart V2.0, WorkBench V2.1. No errors were encountered.
Author's address
E-mail to: loal0011@rz03.fh-karlsruhe.de
Enjoy !